LIMEC Technology


1 : Introduction

​The Corona effect began to be studied at the beginning of the XX𝑡ℎ century with the empiric work of F.W. Peek in 1915 [1] which characterized the threshold field to create the effect. It was then studied in the high-voltage industrial electrical network in order to understand the vibrations it induces in the cables [2, 3] and then to monitor the resulting energy loss. In addition to the work aiming at reducing the corona effect in high voltage transmission, research on this topic has led to commercial and industrial uses such as the production of ozone [4, 5], the generation of charged surfaces [6], the treatment of certain polymer surfaces [7, 8], etc...

​The use of the corona effect in imagery dates back to 1939, when Semyon Kirlian started to photograph the corona effect. It was then used by different people for scientific and non-scientific works. In the context of major breakthroughs in artificial intelligence in the last decades, they can be used in image analysis on large amount of data to explore or revisit new fields of studies. Our electrophotonics device, the EDS© (Electrophotonic DataPhoton System), can be used to obtain a new type of information about the objects under study. In combination with machine learning or deep learning algorithms, it can lead to many important discoveries about the role of coherent water in living organisms.

2 :  From Sir Isaac Newton to Richard Feynman

​The hypothesis that light is composed of particles and therefore that it is corpuscular in nature was put forward by Sir Isaac Newton [9] in 1704 who, with his numerous experimental studies describing many physical phenomena, was able at the time to reject the wave theories of light of R.Hooke, C.Huygens or L.Euler. In the 19th century, however, experimental observations such as the experiments on interference by T.Young [10] or the discovery of polarization by E-L. Malus [11] suggested a wave nature to light. It is then with the wave theory of A.Fresnel [12] then finally by the unification of electricity and magnetism of J.C.Maxwell [13] that light is considered as a wave, more exactly an electromagnetic wave.

​At the end of the XIX𝑡ℎ century, with the work of Max Planck and his hypothesis of the energy quantum [14], the classical vision that we had of matter underwent upheaval. The works of Poincaré, Lorentz and then Einstein on special relativity and its equivalence relation between mass and energy E = m.c²(c: speed of light in vacuum) [15] have questioned the nature of matter and it is also in 1905 that Einstein also questioned the nature of light, yet so well described by J.C.Maxwell with his work on the photoelectric effect [16]. This last questioning with the wave-corpuscle duality leads us to consider that the nature of physical objects is not instinctive. In the case of light, it can be observed as corpuscular or undulatory structure but its nature is neither a wave nor a corpuscle but something else.

​Each new scientific discovery brings its share of questioning of what we believe to be true. The advent of quantum physics during the twentieth century has completely revolutionized the way scientists undertand the physical world. The formalism which was established during several decades with successive models and discoveries with notably the work of N.Bohr [17], the uncertainty relation of W.Heisenberg [18], then the equation of E.Schrödinger [19] among other great advances. In his thesis in 1924 [20], L.De Broglie manages to generalize the wave-corpuscle duality to matter where each atom has a wavelength 𝜆=𝑐/𝑓=ℎ/𝑝 (with p: momentum) then P.Dirac [21] describes the relativistic behavior of the electron and this leads to the discovery of antimatter. From this formalism, decades of applications of quantum physics have followed, in particular by trying to apply it to the four fundamental forces. It is its application to electromagnetism that has led to quantum electrodynamics (QED) to which R. Feynman has made a significant contribution [22] which will be of particular interest for us in the understanding of the phenomena related coherence domains.

3 : Interfacial water

​The comprehension of the structure of water and its properties has also been much questioned over the last few centuries. In addition to its very specific physico-chemical properties, the work of Wiggins [23], which showed that water is composed of two liquids of high and low density, has been validated by international teams of researchers using the most recent X-ray diffraction techniques [24]. In particular, there is a zone at the interfaces where water is comparable to a negatively charged ”gel”, the ”Exclusion Zone” (EZ) described by G. Pollack [25]. The existence of this EZ has been confirmed in the LBCM laboratory using fluorescence spectroscopy. Indeed, at the interfaces, water molecules have a dynamic organization in rings or chains [26]. Water molecules assemble very transiently due to hydrogen bonds (10^(−12) seconds) forming liquid crystal-like structures (clusters). Based on the QED work of G.Preparata on coherence domains in matter [27], M.Henry describes clusters as coherence domains within which information transfer is possible [28] and also describes how a specific electromagnetic wave can remain ”confined” in a coherent water structure [29]. J.G.Watterson explains that it is a transfer of phonons without displacement of matter in the coherence domains of water [30], which is similar to the mechanism of proton transfer described by Von Grotthuss in 1806 [31]. An important point to underline is that these theories have been validated experimentally, in particular in the thesis of Coudert [32] who was able to observe the trajectory of the electron in water in a confined environment (cell water for example) using ultrafast laser spectroscopy.
​It has been shown in the LBCM laboratory [33] that the structure of water is influenced by electromagnetic fields (EMF) and that parameters such as anisotropy, conductivity, photon emission or absorption are modified after the exposure of water to pulsed EMF at very low intensity. These studies have revealed the appearance of gas nanobubbles (CO2 detected in IR by a double absorption band at 2300-2400 cm^(-1)) which remain stable for at least several weeks after exposure to EMF. These discoveries on water lead us to reconsider our way of apprehending water not as a simple inert solvent but as a complex system whose interactions with EMFs will probably keep on surprising us. The work of Pr Voeikov has shown that interfacial water can also emit light [34], which has been confirmed by independent teams [35]. We have verified with fluorescence spectroscopy that interfacial water indeed amplifies the light emission from a fluorochrome pigment. More recently, we have found that this light emission occurs in water alone under certain conditions. It is the vibrations of the water molecules in the manner of a temporal quantum crystal (as described in Vandanjon’s article [36]) that produce the emission of light (biophotons) carrying information.

4 : Macroscopic Corona Imaging Studies (MCIS or IMEC)

​As explained in the introduction, the corona effect has many applications. Regarding the IMEC, also called electrophotonics, it concerns applications such as for example gas discharge visualization , etc., depending on the device used, a lot of work has been done in the field of health and well-being, notably by K. Korotkov [37]. The use of artificial intelligence in the analysis of electrophotonic images is beginning to show interest in the detection of disease [38] or more generally in medical diagnosis [39]. Our IMEC device is slightly different than the one used in those studies. It focus on the UV-range (250-380 nm) and have a special configuration of coils to generate a precise corona effect capture by a scientific camera.

5 : The EDS© device

​The device is composed of an AEPG© (Advanced ElectroPhotonic Generator), an EFUSE© (Electrode For Use in Specific Electrophotonic) electrode plate and an Hamamatsu HD camera (ORCA IIBT 512G2) coupled to an optic equipped with a UV filter. The AEPG© is based on a particular geometry of its power transformers. Coupled with other components controlled by a very reliable electronics, it produces with its strong pulse voltage, an electromagnetic field on the electrode plate. This field is alternately positive and negative, with a predefined frequency. The frequency and voltage of the electromagnetic field are controlled by AdvancedElectrophotonicGenerator©, a self-developed software which also allows synchronisation with the Hamamatsu camera. This field successively mobilizes electric charges on the surface and in the thickness of the object to be analyzed causing the ionization of the gaseous environment around the studied body (plasma gas). This ionization creates an electron avalanche which, by splitting the gas molecules, release UV photons which are recorded by the Hamamatsu camera. The electron avalanche then leads to filamentary structures called streamers [42, 43]. Images acquisition provides an idea of the statistical distribution of light emission during exposure time that are used to develop the different models.

Disease detection

​The use of electrophotonics to detect diseases has already shown interests [38]. The works of K. Korotkov and of many teams around the world using electrophotonics, especialy Korotkov's device, the GDV (Gaz Discharge Vizualisation), have brought many interesting studies on health and well-beeing. The EDS© device is espacialy focusing on the UV-range (250-380 nm) that, accordingly to the researches of R.VanWijk [44] base on the work of Alexander G. Gurwitsch, is the spectral domain of the Bio-photons.

​The EDS© has been use for numerous study the past 15 years including one focusing on disease detection [45] giving 92% of good detection. The study has been controvertial notably on the treatment's part with microcurrents but the disease detection's part stayed interesting and relevant. We hence apply ourself to a rigorous scientific work in a slightly different method since more than 2 years to produce a product that can detect disease with an infected group and a control group that give for first results an accuracy of 77%.

​The detection process takes 5 to 10 minutes to realize the captations of each of the fingers with the EDS© device and the results are then analysed and compared with the markers defined from the whole database. After 5 min we get the detection results that gives a prediction on the presence or not of the disease with a metric indicating the strenght of the result. The method is not recognize officialy as a method to detect disease and more time, collaborations, and clinical trials are necessary to do so. It is still a novatrice approach that gave promising result to offer a rapid, non-invasive and easy-to-access solution of disease detection.

Photonic bridges

​Photonic bridges are an unprecedented phenomenon. With all the electrophotonics studies that we have seen on all the different electrophotonics devices, we do not enconter anything about the phenomenon. EDS© is the only device, to our knowledge, that was able to show the presence of them. The specificity of the electromagnetic field generate from the coils and/or the UV-range of the camera are assumed to be the explanation that makes EDS© able to show this phenomenon.

​To produce a photonic bridges, we use the special pure quartz electrode (on the left image) that contain a central compartment for a finger or the substance to study and 3 smaller compartments to put liquid medications or other substances which we will observate the presence or not of a photonic bridge.

​Several studies have been realized on photonic bridges in various field of research by the inventors of the EDS© device [46]. The theorical explanations of this phenomenon is not understood yet so the results of the observationnal studies must be compare with known informations about the substances. Nevertheless, we are facing a phenomenon that can lead to a new way of study on interactions among living being and subtances (medications or not).

Substances analysis

​With the EDS© technology, it is also possible to make electrophotonics images of droplet of substances. Observing them with naked eye show some small differences, and, unless the substances are really differents, it's very hard for human eye to differenciate two close products. In addition, on the opposite of fingerprint in electrophotonics, a droplet is round hence has no preferred direction, and has normaly no emission of bio-photons [44] and so the quantum uncertainty is greater, reducing the exact reproductibility of the images. Nevertheless, the water structure is influenced by electromagnetic field (EMF) [33] and gas nanobubbles permitting coherence domains are formed allowing trapped EMF [28].

​Numerous unpublished work have been done experimentaly by the creators of the device to apprehend the phenomenon and the resulting images. Observationnal studies shows the influence of the excitation frequency and voltage on the results. It also show that for particular substances, specific excitations frequencies give very symetric or specific streamers (photon avalanche [43]) patterns. They brought a new field of study which has been very little explored and which need rigourous confirmative studies to better understand it.

​We hence develop stricter protocoles to reduce the possibles bias in the results and we develop methods, especialy in machine learning, to analyse and classifie substances. Using with a statistical approach allow to prevent statistical aberations and we succeed to classifie differents water types and water sources [47]. In a more recent study we were able to classifie a water that have been in a micro-wave for 30 seconds (and cool down to ambient temperature) with the same water that have been "dynamised" with a plasma lamp (and cool down to ambient temperature) and the same unaltered water. This field of study is, like the others in electrophotonics, at the begining and it seems that the EDS© device can show differences that could not be seen before.


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Bardonnie Hugues